Best yeast infection medicine treats root cause of infection. Few acne medicines work for the time being but infection keeps continuing. In this case, medicine treats only symptoms and not main cause of the infection. If not cared accordingly this infection might lead to constant yeast infection.
In recent times I had awful acne outbreak and looking in mirror completely made me scream. I went to dermatologist and asked her to prescribe me some strong acne medicine with high application of benzoyl peroxide a little that will surely work.
To my surprise, the doctor said no to the strong medication. But she gave me quite a few recopies for the acne home medicine. I tried her home-based remedy and at first I did not want to consider it, but to my surprise skin looked much better every day. After some weeks there was no mark of acne. Here are some home acne medicines that will help you and will work for you.
1. Mixture of lemon and rosewater
Lemon is outstanding cleanser for the acne affected skin; you can combine the lemon juice with the water of rose and then apply to the affected area of the skin. Wash it after half an hour with clear water. This acne medicine generally shows great results in some days and in few couple of weeks those acne will completely vanish from your face.
2. Toothpaste
Normal toothpaste can radically help with acne problem. If your feel your face has swollen, put little bit of toothpaste on the pimples prior going to the bed. Your skin will get much better in morning.
3. Mint
Mint has also been used to discontinue acne for centuries. It most likely grows in your garden or else you can purchase it in the fruit and vegetable shop. Get out the juice from mint leaves as well as apply in on your face prior going your bed.
4. Vinegar
Simple home vinegar is effectual acne cleanser. Mix it with little salt and softly rub on your face. Clean it in about 30 minutes.
5. Cucumber
Majority women know that the cucumber is good for your skin and is best acne medicine. It can be further used to prevent acne. Make cucumber paste, apply it on your face and keep it for several minutes. Not like lemon and also vinegar cucumber will not dehydrated your face, quite opposite, it moisturize the skin and supplies vitamins. Make use of cucumber mask two times a week and you will observe exact progress to your skin state.
Acne diet is vital for any of the acne treatment
Also there is no such kind of thing as extraordinary "acne diet"; but, what you consume is greatly significant for your skin condition. Previously, to heal acne doctors recommended cutting down oily and sugary foods. Current research shows that having pizza and drinking soda will not cause acne. What is actually necessary for acne diet is having sufficient vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are known to assist with the acne are Vitamin A, and most B group of vitamins. So the balanced diet is necessary to stop the acne outbreaks.
Drinking 8 glasses of water is as well important to fight against the acne. Sufficient water helps the body to clear itself of toxins that means fewer harmful substances on the skin.
Try using the natural acne medicine as an alternative of over the counter acne treatment. Do not trust ads when they inform you that nothing will clean your skin and "you name it" acne cream or else cleanser. Home acne medicine work just fine as well as they are less harmful for the skin than the harsh chemicals that are used in the acne medicine.
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