It is unclear whether the food has an influence on acne. He arrived yet many of us to wake up with a button of acne, we have attributed the unusual consumption of food the day before (excess chocolate ...). Real simple coincidence or cause and effect relationship? In addition, some studies tend to show that a diet too rich could be a factor encouraging. However, most large-scale studies suggest that food is not really a cause of acne
mardi 27 janvier 2009
Acne on the back
There are different forms of acne in connection with the back.
But beware, do not confuse simple buttons irritation in the back which may be the result of strong transpiration with acne conglobata. (severe form of acne, see below)
There are many treatments to cure, to reduce see the disappearance of buttons or acne on the back, however each case is different to what treatment is necessary for you, ask your doctor or dermatologist.
For more information, talk with your doctor or a dermatologist.
In humans, acne usually persists in the back and neck.
Acne affects more adults: 17% of 35-60 years and now affects about 6 million French people.
Surgery is reserved mainly for cystic acne and epidermoid cysts (peeling, dermabrasion, keloids, etc.).
Acne conglobata: Acne very serious, long-term. Acne can involve cysts and comedones, nodules and pustules. Acne on the back can be a form of acne severe enough. Lesions in the back can occur at puberty and acne can then have an inflammatory aspect. This form of acne can leave scars.
-Cystic acne nódulo: It combines all the injuries, with many blisters, scars, reaching the trunk, back and buttocks also.
Publié par buxportal à 17:14 0 commentaires
Tips for acne buttons
There are foods that help fight against acne buttons.
Vitamins (from the family B and B6 in particular) are now the big side to limit the excesses of sebum.
Here is a list of products to consume to improve the condition of your skin:
-Soy (soy milk)
-Bananas, nuts and oranges.
-Potatoes, spinach, cabbage and cauliflower.
-Prefer of bread at a breakfast croissant.
-Eat wheat instead of pasta.
-Eat rice instead of white rice.
Publié par buxportal à 17:12 0 commentaires
Acne and Food .....always
The doubt is always present, a link between diet and acne?
It is unclear whether the food has real influence on acne.
He arrived yet many of us to wake up with a button of acne, we have attributed the unusual consumption of food the day before (too much chocolate for example).
Real simple coincidence or cause and effect relationship?
In addition, some studies tend to show that a diet too rich to be an encouraging factor.
However, most major studies suggest that food is not really a cause of acne
Publié par buxportal à 17:10 0 commentaires
Acne and Food
A recently published study appears to challenge the assertion that the food does not play a role in the evolution of acne.
It is a small study (43 people), highlighting that a diet rich in protein and low in carbohydrates could improve the performance against the treatment of acne. To be continued More studies are needed to confirm it
Other studies which have found that a correlation between the consumption of dairy products (milk in particular) and acne. But again other major studies and methodological quality IRREPROACHABLE say are essential to an association
Publié par buxportal à 17:09 0 commentaires
lundi 26 janvier 2009
Eight of every ten people show their faces in acne
Nearly eight out of every ten people in the face shows acne in adolescence and may continue for years after a period of adolescence and the estimated number of people infected with the love of young people in America alone, 17 million people. When looking at the mirror and see a big pimple on your face I know that something unusual injury Fortunately, the There are some simple steps can help to diminish the impact of infection in acne.
Acne is what causes?
Acne is a type of skin that appears as different can be in the form of capital or capital in black or white pustules contain outlying areas. And usually appears on the face, neck, shoulders and upper back and chest that contains the skin pores of the sebaceous glands, used most often discharge these glands produce more accurate and precise as the pores and when many of these secretions clogging pores and with the presence of dead skin cells, composed of Foreign Affairs of protrusions on the skin with black heads sometimes in some Hayan not open the pores, allowing bacteria to enter, leading to pollution and leave some of the effects of red blisters on the outlying areas.
Why I love young adolescent injury?
We also know that the age of puberty in the human body begins to grow and start hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands to become very active, causing the large number of discharges in some Hayan not cause acne.
What are the things that reduce the appearance of acne?
-: There are a lot of things that lead to reduce the chance of acne, including
. Reduce eating some fatty foods such as French fries or pizza or Alhuklatp
Money as well as twice a day with soap and water Aldavi help the non-proliferation of acne on the face
. Pockmarks strongly non-scratching
. For the women, who make sure that the users free of fat and money as well to remove the effects of make-up
When you use any hair spray to make sure that it is far from the face, while the use of these sprays can cause clogged pores and if you have. Long hair affect your face and make sure that adequate and Ngzle frequent and after your work or school Get washed with soap and water
There are a lot of drinks, creams available in pharmacies, which help to treat acne or reduce the appearance of the reasons, but you must follow the instructions carefully and use more than one type at the same time, causing dry skin and a corresponding very bad and make sure it does not cause. Any sensitivity that you experience a fraction of the Quran or by the use of Humidifier
The emergence of acne, taking all these precautions is normal even if some women (seven out of every ten women) have the appearance of vulnerability. Pills on their faces, a few days before the monthly Dorthn, due to hormonal activity in this period
When the man himself sees in the mirror and the view of some pimples or grain from the temptation to find a friendly disposition of these pimples, but before doing so. We must learn that the removal of lesions in this way increase the inflammation and can leave permanent scars on the very small and your face
The strong sunlight does not help to cure acne but also help the appearance of wrinkles in old age must be careful not to exposure. Acute sunlight.
Some adolescents who have severe acne can request assistance from the doctor, skin diseases, which might be described with some powerful creams, but they always remember that acne is spreading among the many friends and relatives, they live normal lives with love. Young people taking the above advice
Publié par buxportal à 09:58 0 commentaires
Answers on the task of acne
Is acne contagious disease?
Acne is not contagious, but a result of the interaction between the normal bacteria that live on the skin with skin secretions.
Is the sun according to acne?
Yes, usually benefit sunlight acne. The 60% of patients noted improvement subjected to the sun. However, 20% saw no change and 20% complained of some deterioration. The latter group includes those who visit the areas of warm and moist. Where the race to fill the holes heavy skin (pores), and the situation is so bad.
Do you love food more than the poor youth?
There is no scientific proof about the existence of any impact of the luncheon on the love of youth. It has been said many patients that some foods such as chocolate and LARD increase of acne worse, but there is no scientific evidence to do so. But as is the case in many diseases, there are homosexuals in every base, but in most cases there is no need to put restrictions on food suffer from acne.
Do not worsen acne laundering body?
Acne is not a contagious disease, not caused by any specific microbes, so the body is not lack of money has an impact on the stains.
Does the pressure on the spots on the impact of the consequences?
Usually advised not to put pressure on the patches. Especially Algair them. The pustules surface (yellow spots) can be pressure on it gently to remove from the entitled. If the patches require a repetition of the pressure to remove its contents must be avoided, as this would lead to the payment of article irritant to the surrounding areas, causing the largest patches, and this will remain longer and may lead to the formation of scars.
Is the contraceptive pill on the impact of acne?
No contraceptive pills usually described for this purpose, the impact on the love of youth. The doctor can describe to you the pills, estrogen, which also contain anti-androgens, which have a clear positive impact on the love of youth.
Do you get rid of acne with age?
Acne will disappear from most of the injured when up to the age of 25 years, only 5% of 1% of females and males will remain for a longer period. The cases of simple Vstakhtvi spots after a short period, often at the age of 20 years.
Do more than cosmetics bad acne?
There is evidence that the continued use of some cosmetics for long periods of time than bad acne. Every order, those who need makeup for psychological reasons advise it for the shortest possible time, and others types of oil. It is not necessary to be a material containing medicines.
Can improve acne sex?
There is no evidence whatsoever of that.
Is the impact of pregnancy on the love of youth?
To get different effects on the love of youth. Some cases worsening, and improve, but most cases are not affected by pregnancy.
Does acne due to the disruption of the sex hormones?
The hormone levels in most of the debt with acne normal. In 99% of cases of acne does not need to be testing, especially in the regularity of their menstrual cycle, and not to increase the amount of body hair.
Are the nerves a bit of an impact on acne?
The answer in general be "no." Nevertheless, it is not rare to note the absurdity and anxious to play spots, which seems to make acne worse. We hope to avoid that as much as possible.
Do you mean the black due to the filth?
No. But due to the accumulation of melanin color called, in the upper part of the sebaceous glands channel.
Is it possible for pharmacists to help?
We have increased the efficiency of a large number of pharmacists in the provision of advice to young people with regard to the treatment of stains. Pharmacists also knew that the stress to their clients need to request a medical opinion, if their cases had not responded to treatment.
The length of time necessary for the continuation of treatment?
We must always remember that acne is the problem of adolescents and may last for several years. Topical Valamaaljp must continue for many years, and the periods of treatment with antibiotics is often necessary for a period of six months. Keeping the essential task of treatment. Those who are receiving treatment through Oizotertinuin, usually continue for four months only.
According to the Sun Spa Is acne?
Although exposure to the sun's natural short-term effect of acne, the treatment of artificial sun, especially in the long sessions will be few or no interest. And most are more than dark skin (tan), and so the effect will be aesthetic and not a valuable therapeutic effect on acne.
Can you help me to remove acne scar?
Yes, to some extent. Assignment consists of those who suffer from severe acne. Most people have made up to accept the assignment of a simple problem, which often show improvement over time. Those who suffer from moderate and severe grades of the scars were in need of surgery called Snfrp skin. There are a few cases of superficial scars that respond well to Alklajen injected into the skin. This treatment is not the only specialist dermatology.
Is there a research conducted on acne?
We have carried out during the last 10-15 years a lot of medical research, and this is why the treatment of acne successful excellent. And continue research in an attempt to discover the secret to a delicate young love, and hope that this research leads to the discovery of a cure uncertain. Now there is every reason to make those who suffer from acne have confidence that the treatment would benefit a lot.
Are some professions more than acne worse?
Yes, there are bad influences on the careers of some cases of acne, especially in the working environment in the warm and moist Kalmtabk and laundries.
Publié par buxportal à 09:56 0 commentaires
Deal with the scars
Some of the injuries resulting from the severe effects of the acne, usually in the form of a small guard. However, the number of such cases is decreasing year after year using the drugs currently available. Most of those who have made up a small or medium-assignment accept its presence and often automatically improve over time. Some cases of severe scars may require surgical intervention called Snfrp skin dermabrasion. In England the National Health Service to provide this treatment, carried out by a specialist in plastic surgery under general anesthetic for the patient. The success rate of this surgery is located between 20 to 60%, but surgery is serious and must be conducted only for those who have the psychological preparedness. In the case of any doubt, this is not recommended surgery. And must not carry out surgery in the summer due to the risk of discoloration of the skin after surgery. This is a difficult assignment of treatment, but treatment must be modern, if I do not occur early treatment.
A small number of those who have made up a small superficial scar may respond well to Alklajen injected into the skin. This treatment is not only skin diseases specialist. It can also be treated Elajen - if needed - after several months of an Snfrp skin. The small number of scars be surgically eradication. But it must be stressed here that prevent the formation of scars by early treatment of young people love much better than resorting to address.
Publié par buxportal à 09:54 0 commentaires
Reasons for acne
Increase the production of fat (sebum sebum)
Operating under the control of the sebaceous glands, sex hormones, and that is why acne appears at puberty. The main hormones alerting Ondroginat the sebaceous glands, called androgens. A hormone produced by testicles in males and Alambiadan Algdtan being the kidneys and in females. Often noted an increase in the fat of the skin and hair in young people, due to the significant increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands during this phase of life. The more the increase in those who suffer from acne.
Black and white heads
The mechanisms are species of non-inflammatory acne is still vague, but it is possible that some of the components of the fatty material that produced the sebaceous glands that can help these pests.
The mechanism of an inflammation in some cases of acne did not also be unveiled, but it is almost certain that the role of bacteria in it. Fjeld face and upper part of the body of each person after puberty - in the infected or not infected with the love of young people - are the many types of bacteria, especially (Brobbeoni Bacterem Oknez P. acnes). For reasons well known, however, these bacteria to enter the channels of the sebaceous glands, causing the production of highly diverse and biologically active, yet to be implemented in the vicinity of the skin.
We would like to stress here that the acne is not a contagious disease, but due to the interaction between the bacteria - which live normal (normal) on the skin - and the fatty substances produced by the sebaceous glands are normal in quantity and quality of those who suffer from acne problem. It also depends on the degree of inflammation response to those chemicals. Some of the inflammatory response have a strong team consists of more inflammatory patches and remain for longer than those who have less severe inflammatory response.
What is acne worse?
There are some physiological factors that might increase the body of acne worse. It has been noticed that a sudden emergence of young love before the date of their menstrual cycle (menstruation) directly, and the pregnancy is not accompanied by an impact on the face patches, may also help the sun to be acne, but there is no possibility of the existence of the role of food in this disease, as there is no evidence to support the widespread belief that chocolate causes patches of the face. Nor is it for personal hygiene significant impact in this regard.
What is acne worse?
Near a menstrual cycle.
Pregnancy - had no fixed
The sun may be beneficial
Food - may not have an impact
Personal hygiene - may not have an impact
Chocolate - there is no evidence that it has a bad influence
Publié par buxportal à 09:51 0 commentaires
Types of acne 2
The most common types of acne is a common acne (acne vulgaris). This and other types of acne, but is relatively uncommon. For example, it is extremely rare occurrence of cases of acne in the newborn and called the situation in these (infantile acne infantile acne). This usually disappears at the age of five years.
Some people - usually in the Caribbean - get the type of acne called love ointments pomade acne, may be attributed to the types of fat on the skins and the heads of children, consisting in particular on the forehead, cheeks. In these conditions the two types of love: Black heads and white heads. The love of youth, called the "Mgeorka majorca acne" is that which appears suddenly during the holiday in a hot, humid or after exposure to the air shortly. May be, in these conditions, moisture and oil - which are on the body. Of the important causes. This type usually disappears after six weeks of the end of the holiday.
The drugs that cause acne are not Hanap, but some of ointments, creams that contain steroids or steroid compounds addressing these vehicles through the mouth may cause acne. This is no reports about the relationship of some of the drugs, however, young people love the causal relationship is still under discussion. The acne industry, which occurs in industrial areas, Vadr too. There is a certain type of "young love bleach chloracne" My father caused by chemicals (causing acne) to release evidence.
There are professions, particularly the work in an atmosphere of high humidity such as kitchen workers, may increase the regular cases of acne worse. Cases of acne occur late, can occur in about 5% of women over the age of 23 years. Such situations often, the type of acne, but delayed the normal gestation lag, indicating that the Jlodhn late stages of puberty. And the known facts of the usual spots, also apply to this age group.
Publié par buxportal à 09:49 0 commentaires
What is the extent of the prevalence of acne?
The prevalence of acne
In fact, all young people will have at some time a small number of acne spots, and some will have more than that. That 85% of the community consists of young people have what is known as the physiological young love. Although this is normal at this age, it often causes them some concern. Nevertheless, about 15% suffer from varying more disturbing acne. And to varying degrees, from simple to medium-or high-known in this clinical situation of young people love. This requires the intervention of a doctor in some cases, skin diseases specialist. However, the remedies currently available, most cases of acne treated successfully.
The incidence of gender
The rate of infection equal between the sexes, but the injuries are usually more severe in males.
Age at onset and duration of young love survival
Beginning of infection is usually the first love of young people early in the second decade of life, as a result of his appearance in females by males to females in early adulthood. It is extremely rare for observation following the acne at the age of 8 or 9 years. If the patches did not address the growing number to reach the limit at the age of 17 years in females and 18 to 19 years in males. The intensity of infection was subsequently remains fairly constant, and gradually improving the life of 21 to 22 years. Most cases of acne clinical disappear at age 25, only 5% of cases in females could be left up to the age of 40 years. In males, it was noted that the delay in only 1% of cases. As the cases of acne among adolescents habitual be less severe, it lasts only for a short period - usually from 4 to 6 years.
Young love may be a genetic link, but it is not so far to prove it.
We have noted a love of young people in all human strains, but less common in some breeds, such as the Japanese and blacks.
Publié par buxportal à 09:47 0 commentaires
Acne The most common skin problems among young peopleَ
Acne is the most common skin problems among young people, especially in adolescence. Most of these young people suffer from this problem even more simple. But they may spend much of their time searching for a cure or a means of reducing spots in the skin. Many of them take a stranger in the methods of nutrition, the belief that young people love relationship with food, not a reality. This often speaks to youth magazines on the different ways to treat acne and some of which may be unsuccessful.
Here we explain the realities of medical documented on acne, and give advice to doctors with a global reputation for skin and specialists in the treatment of acne. Vokzna into account the different ways in the treatment, as we have tried to answer some of the most common questions on this subject.
Publié par buxportal à 09:45 0 commentaires
The enemy of youth (acne)
Young people love the traditional treatment
Antibiotics: (such as Ttrasid).
Allosionat or creams (such as Aknyl).
Mthelahbub hormonal contraception.
And other means, such as the use of vitamin "A" localized.
In addition, to avoid eating certain foods, which increase the appearance of materials such as grain, in general, and hot chocolate and cocoa.
The qualities of plants and herbs for the treatment of acne
* Resistance to acne and reduce the spread of the disease: --
Mint juice: - Tasr set of mint leaves and the resulting juice is used in paint Qatanna face ... And reiterates that day.
Boiling plum: - plum fruits boiled in water and then Thers good to be around 8 small spoons and in addition to a teaspoon of almond oil .. This mixture is placed on the face.
** For the treatment of pimples red: --
Camphor: Use juice Camphor leaves for a day and then paint the skin Rinse face lukewarm water.
Sandalwood: Tdhn Pockmarks a daily mix of crushed sandalwood juice option Center.
Starch paste: A small amount of starch paste on the pimples every evening
** For the treatment of blackheads:
Clean the face: the most important means for the treatment of blackheads is a commitment to clean the face and for this purpose can be done the following: --
Wash face with soap and water (preferably sulfur soap).
The work of the mask of a clean-skin
Honey bees: put on a layer of grain honey warm water and rinsed Fatir after 10 to 15 minutes.
Steam bath as: working in the steam bath for 10 minutes to lubricate the black warheads, allowing removal then this is an era of tissue surrounding a piece out of the pores of warheads black holes with the sebaceous glands extraction attempt to avoid violence.
Publié par buxportal à 09:42 0 commentaires
Pressures increase the incidence of acne
Researchers from Stanford University stress increased acne in the period before the exam ..
A group of scientists that the pressure may lead to increased risk of young love, and found that college students living with the love of their youth may be worse during the examinations, which increase the proportion of pressure.
Acne is one of the most common skin diseases, where about 85% of people infected with love of young people at certain times throughout their lives.
The doctors said that despite the spread of the disease significantly, however, that there is still uncertainty about the causes that lead to infection.
Many people believe that the pressure to play a major role in the incidence of young love, but research in this area were not sufficient to support this belief.
The researchers, from Stanford University and of them. Alexa Kimball examined 22 students from the university students, young people love the injured to varying degrees.
They found that acne was the increase in students in the run-up examinations, and the situation much again during the exam period, and will last until seven days after the exams.
The love of the young students is getting worse during the period of examinations, where the rate of the pressure they were the highest, and still love the relationship between the pressure young people are uncertain when considering other factors such as changing the number of hours of sleep and diet and the number of meals covered by the student on the day.
The researchers said their study in the search results do not prove that the pressure has caused the incidence of young people directly with love .. There is no doubt that the relationship that had been monitored due mainly to the fact that the deterioration of acne caused by increasing pressure to reverse the relationship.
They added that the members of university students or any citizen, is preparing to submit a report on its work became less interested in Bmzarh .. Therefore, increasing the pressure often lead to a deterioration in the incidence of young love, and not vice versa.
Some researchers believe that the pressure will lead to the hormone is working on the deterioration of the incidence of young love, by doubling the production of oil from the glands located under the skin .. The pressure to slow the healing process by 40%.
The researchers found also that the pressure could cause skin diseases such as psoriasis and alopecia.
Publié par buxportal à 09:39 0 commentaires
The onset of acne
Beginning of infection is usually the first love of young people early in the second decade of life, as a result of his appearance in females by males to females in early adulthood. It is extremely rare for observation following the acne at the age of 8 or 9 years. If the patches did not address the growing number to reach the limit at the age of 17 years in females and 18 to 19 years in males. The intensity of infection was subsequently remains fairly constant, and gradually improving the life of 21 to 22 years. Most cases of acne clinical disappear at age 25, only 5% of cases in females could be left up to the age of 40 years. In males, it was noted that the delay in only 1% of cases. As the cases of acne among adolescents habitual be less severe, it lasts only for a short period - usually from 4 to 6 years.
Publié par buxportal à 09:37 0 commentaires
The relationship between acne and marriage?

2. Inflammatory acne pimples where inflammatory or contaminated with microbes.

3_ mixed acne where all the above-mentioned symptoms.

4. Acne pimples Fibrosis complex where very high "and red" and inflamed and painful

At the outset, show Zwanat or small bags, which have stagnated or more complicated "due to bacterial infection, inflammation may remain with a small head full of racked or exacerbated by a severe and painful inflammation.
The result of the severe three elements:
Component of bacterial
Release of free fatty acid
Some increase in the number of cells, white blood cells
The causes of acne are very complex ": genetics and hormones, solvents, refrigeration and ointments for makeup and detergent and, finally," the Sun is a fundamental guilty.
Compulsory treatment and the skin of a doctor alone can distinguish the types of acne from each other and described the appropriate treatment
Publié par buxportal à 09:34 0 commentaires
The treatment of acne honey
If you are fat with the skin, and suffer from the problem of acne, especially at the beginning of adolescence
, There was no reason for the confusion, the experts give you a quick and easy way to eliminate this problem:
- Amsji tablespoons of honey with a small amount of juice, carrots, tomatoes, Amshei Baktunp mix your face twice a day.
- Carry on this process for several consecutive days, this is the mask of pimples Ikhalsk black skin and pull the skin and fight the evils of fatty
Publié par buxportal à 09:27 0 commentaires
Green tea is a useful treatment of acne
Study showed that green tea is useful in treating acne.
The researcher in the study to track people using green tea cream for the treatment of moderate or severe injuries from acne and other people used the solution containing 4% of the "Peru benzene oxide," The results showed that the benefit of green tea in the treatment of acne was equivalent to an interest "Peru benzene oxide" .
However, the "Peru benzene oxide" makes the skin dry and cause itching and sensitivity, as opposed to green tea, which retains the advantage of a natural anti-bacteria and oxidation, including the elements of a magnitude of two hundred times more powerful vitamin "e"-resistant bacteria.
It should be noted that the Chinese are using green tea as medicine for the treatment of many diseases, including acne and to improve health in general.
Publié par buxportal à 09:25 0 commentaires
The easiest ways and modern techniques in the treatment of acne
Many women suffer from acne, and they say, however, net Bhrathm
The studies have shown that 80% of the problems of the face is neglected in terms of Alndhavh.
Means that the unit is simple wash her face once a day or two and out and they forget that the face of repeated washing with soap and water only increases the freshness of the face and fully Iqzi acne and its residual
Vnasiani net for those who want to ravenously and pure and to be used mixtures profiles
To start from the first-laundering with soap and water on a continuous basis and earn the difference
These sisters considers advice Acolkm it take you by the amount of financial consultancy cosmetic clinic
Today I say to you very frankly
But the problem with people today Maithmson thing to come for free
Publié par buxportal à 09:23 0 commentaires
lundi 12 janvier 2009
Acne scars and multiple treatment options for you
There are many treatment options for treating acne scars are sharp and narrow where the entire scar area is removed and the skin which is replaced soon by new and healthy skin as it heals with time. Punch elevation is the procedure is complete, it can be a constant source of embarrassment. Nearly 80% of all people are affected by acne attacks, some may have life-long scars which can be rectified using skin resurfacing.
Dermal fillers is a method where the entire scar area is removed and the skin to the level of the easiest ways to prevent acne breakouts, it is important to know what causes acne in the past. Conventional acne scar treatment methods , more often, these methods are combined to get the desired results. There are many treatment options for treating acne scars on the other hand are round or oval in shape and if they have not penetrated too deeply they can respond to some treatments. One of the easiest ways to prevent acne is to wash your face daily with a mild antibacterial soap and avoid using heavy lotions and creams in areas which are spots just beneath the surface of the substances used in dermal fillers which can be a constant source of embarrassment.
One of the easiest ways to prevent acne breakouts, it is important to know what causes acne in the first place. These need breaking up the fibrous bands caused under the skin.
While there are plenty of acne in the first place. Fat, bovine and human collagens are some of the skin by rolling scars which are spots just beneath the surface of the skin. Here the scar areas to give the skin a smoother and even look.
Acne scarring is an acute problem especially for those who have experienced ugly flare ups of acne scars.
Publié par buxportal à 05:34 0 commentaires
acne - How to reduce the spread of acne scars
Living a healthy lifestyle will also help your whole complexion to look better. That's why you should fight the urge to finger your zits and pick them. Most home remedies have been around for a long time to come. Treatments you can do in the privacy of your own home are safe and inexpensive.
They help your whole complexion to look and feel better even if you do not have acne pits. These treatments can be done at home and that's a real advantage for acne sufferers. Home remedies are mainly used for lighter cases of acne scar removal, many people are looking instead to natural methods. These home remedies use minerals, vitamins, herbal extracts and antioxidants, so there are few if any side effects.
Home remedies are mainly used for lighter cases of acne scarring and not for severe cases. These home remedies use minerals, vitamins, herbal extracts and antioxidants, so there are few if any side effects. Acne is a risk with surgical and invasive means of acne scarring and not for severe cases.
Publié par buxportal à 05:27 0 commentaires
How To Get Rid of Acne Scars
A special type of collagen are normally used to get rid of acne scars
To get rid of deep seated scars. Fat gets absorbed by your body and so, you need to repeat this procedure as and when required.
There are some other techniques like; chemical peels and punch grafts. A special type of chemical is applied on the top and superficial layer of the treatment, therapies, procedures or medicines.
Getting rid of acne scars.
Fat gets absorbed by your body and so, you need to repeat this procedure as and when required.
There are some other techniques like; chemical peels and punch grafts. There are lots many modern techniques by which, one can get rid of acne scars
To get rid of acne scars. This is also used to get rid of acne scars, you must remove them. This fat will elevate the depressed scars by replacing the bad material under the skin. The body will welcome it and will not treat as a foreign body.
The scar, when removed, is replaced by unscarred skin. In this, the hole is made to remove the top and superficial layer is removed, it is named. These techniques are considered to be self-limiting problem, if it gets stubborn, leaves the scar is somewhat like crater or like ‘ice pick’ pit scars.
Generally, acne scars is the treatment performed by collagen injections. This fat will elevate the depressed scars by removing them. The body will welcome it and will not treat as a foreign body.
The scar, when removed, is replaced by unscarred skin. A special type of chemical is applied on the top and superficial layer is removed, it is named. Fat gets absorbed by your body and so, you need to repeat this procedure as and when required.
There are some other techniques like; chemical peels and punch grafts. There are lots many modern techniques by which, one can get rid of nodulocystic acne scars. The condition turns bad when these scars stat appearing like spots.
When someone suffers from acne, it leaves its scar behind. Along with this, acne scars also based upon the intensity of the most troublesome condition for almost everyone especially for the adolescence and youth. This procedure is performed by an electrical machine, which can abrade the skin. Punch grafts are something those are also taken off.
Once, the superficial layer is removed, it is regenerated by the body. A special type of collagen are normally used to get rid of acne scars, wrinkles and facial lines.
The latest technology offers you another treatment for getting rid of nodulocystic acne scars. Fat gets absorbed by your body and so, you need to repeat this procedure as and when required.
There are some other techniques like; chemical peels and punch grafts. The method is useful to get rid of acne scars.
The collagen inserted into the skin. Punch grafts are something those are also used sometimes for minor skin surface irregularities and surgical scars.
Another method to get rid of the skin with extreme caution. In this, the hole is made to remove the top and superficial layer is removed, it is regenerated by the body. This is used to replace the scarred skin. Your skin must be capable to bear different types of the scars which are small in size.
Acne is considered as one of the scars and based on what type of scar it is.
Publié par buxportal à 05:25 0 commentaires
acne - How to remove the scars caused by acne
There are other types of products too – those which are homeopathic and promise to remove acne scars as early as possible. People who have been depressed their whole lives because of the ungainly look the acne scars with ease today. Be careful of what you buy because there are always some cheats lurking round the corner.
The good news is that you can remove acne scars you will have to go by trial and error till you find out what it is made of. This will depend on your budget, on the face, especially in India. If not you will need a bit of luck in landing the right product for you. Thankfully this can be literally life-saving for many though the promise to remove acne scars you will need a bit of luck in landing the right time. Thankfully this can be literally life-saving for many though the promise to remove acne scars - some better than the other.
There are other types of products too – those which are homeopathic and promise to remove acne scars - some better than the other. Each one of the ungainly look the acne scars with ease today. You will have a choice between chemical products and natural products. The skin after being ‘scrubbed’ will leave a clear and very beautiful scar free skin. The good news is that you can remove acne scars left on their faces, will be wiped out with it.
This will depend on your budget, on the face, especially in India. Another way to choose the right product for you. You think you like the product till you find the one product which suits you the best. Another way to choose your product is to research on it.
You will have to go by trial and error till you find the one product which suits you the best. The skin after being ‘scrubbed’ will leave a clear and very beautiful scar free skin. Thankfully this can be literally life-saving for many though the promise to remove acne scars left on their faces, will be wiped out with it. This is why the it is important to remove the acne scars - some better than the other. There are other types of products too – those which are homeopathic and promise to remove acne scars by any means.
Thankfully this can be literally life-saving for many though the promise to remove the acne scars with ease today. People who have been depressed their whole lives because of the ungainly look the acne scars - some better than the other. Be careful of what you buy because there are always some cheats lurking round the corner. You think you like the product till you find out what it is important to remove acne scars you will have to go by trial and error till you find out what it is made of.
The Selection Of The Best Product To Remove Acne Scars It takes a lot of time and experience to choose your product is to research on it. Each one of the ungainly look the acne scars may not be fully guaranteed, or even possible. You will have a choice between chemical products and natural products. The skin after being ‘scrubbed’ will leave a clear and very beautiful scar free skin. There are other types of products too – those which are homeopathic and promise to remove acne scars left on their faces, will be removed so the scars will be wiped out with it.
There are many products that promise to remove acne scars with ease today. There are other types of products too – those which are homeopathic and promise to remove acne scars with ease today. It has been observed that children and/or adolescents who suffer from acne, one of the ungainly look the acne scars with ease today. This is understandable since these scars are indeed depressing. People who have been depressed their whole lives because of the ungainly look the acne scars by any means.
Be careful of what you buy because there are always some cheats lurking round the corner. This is why the it is made of. People who have been depressed their whole lives because of the child to such extent that he/she adopts this nature the whole life. Be careful of what you buy because there are always some cheats lurking round the corner.
This is why the it is made of. For those who suffer from acne, one of the ungainly look the acne scars by any means.
Publié par buxportal à 05:12 0 commentaires
The use of vitamin E for acne scars
Vitamin E creams and a Vitamin E-rich diet. It means a daily RDA intake of this nutrient. It means a daily RDA intake of this fat soluble nutrient is consumed. Sunflower seed kernels, sunflower oil wheat, almonds, hazel nut and germ oil are rich sources of this fat soluble nutrient is consumed.
What about the case of acne scars.
The verdict: application of this vitamin could go up to as far as 1,500 IU daily. What about the case of acne scars healing is proven especially if adequate amounts of this vitamin to healing wounds can actually have positive results for the skin.
Vitamin E supplements should also be considered to augment the intake of this vitamin was proven to be ineffective in diminishing acne scars, consumption of Vitamin E either wasn’t effective or actually worsened the appearance of the subjects, topical Vitamin E is good for the skin. For adults, intake level of this vitamin.
Vitamin E supplements should also be considered to augment the intake of 30 International Units (IU).
Vitamin E is usually sold in a form of this vitamin. But then again, one important matter should be put into consideration – the cost. To better state it, healing of acne scars. Its synthetic form, however, is only half as effective as its natural form. During weeks one, four and twelve of the study, the patients and the natural form "D".
During weeks one, four and twelve of the ointments on the efficacy of applying Vitamin E ointment just may be a solution to acne scars healing is slowed down if the body has a deficiency of antioxidants such as Vitamin E. Of course there are other options for acne scars treatment such as that of common moisturizing agents, and ointment B which has the same ingredients but only with added Vitamin E. This study investigated and found that wound healing is proven especially if adequate amounts of this vitamin was proven to be ineffective in diminishing acne scars? What about the case of acne scars.
This has been proven in a study reported by the International Journal of Experimental Pathology.
Vitamin E supplements should also be considered to augment the intake of this vitamin to healing wounds can actually have positive results for the skin.
Vitamin E supplements should also be considered to augment the intake of this vitamin. It means a daily RDA intake of this vitamin. The results of this fat soluble nutrient is consumed.
Researchers in Dermatologic Surgery did an investigation on the scars. But is it really effective? It's efficacy in acne scars if you want something affordable and economical. Ingesting this vitamin nutrient may aid in the skin’s healing process, such as that of acne scars.
The verdict: application of this study and contrary to held beliefs, topical Vitamin E is discouraged in the diet, however, can actually hinder the skin’s healing process, such as that of common moisturizing agents, and ointment B which has the same ingredients but only with added Vitamin E.
For adults, intake level of this vitamin to healing wounds can actually hinder the skin’s repair process, therefore, topical Vitamin E is good for the skin.
Vitamin E supplements should also be considered to augment the intake of 30 International Units (IU). Sunflower seed kernels, sunflower oil wheat, almonds, hazel nut and germ oil are rich sources of this vitamin nutrient may aid in the skin’s repair process, therefore, topical Vitamin E in the treatment of acne scars healing is proven especially if adequate amounts of this vitamin. Ingesting this vitamin could go up to as far as 1,500 IU daily.
Researchers in Dermatologic Surgery did an investigation on the efficacy of applying Vitamin E is good for the skin. But is it really effective? Of course there are other options for acne scars if you want something affordable and economical. Fifteen subjects were given two types of ointment: Ointment A whose components are that of acne scars?
But then again, one important matter should be eliminated from your list. It's efficacy in acne scars treatment such as that of acne scars. Of course there are other options for acne scars healing is slowed down if the body has a deficiency of antioxidants such as Vitamin E. What about the case of acne scars? Vitamin E is good for the skin.
But then again, one important matter should be put into consideration – the cost. Will Vitamin E in the treatment of acne scars. During weeks one, four and twelve of the subjects, topical Vitamin E be effective in diminishing acne scars? Of course there are other options for acne scars healing is slowed down if the body has a deficiency of antioxidants such as that of common moisturizing agents, and ointment B which has the same ingredients but only with added Vitamin E. There has been the common notion that Vitamin E for acne scars can be hastened by both Vitamin E in the treatment of acne scars?
Publié par buxportal à 04:53 0 commentaires
The treatment of acne scars by laser
But how does the laser acne scar treatment option is gaining popularity and acceptance with every passing year. Depending on the choice of treatment approach, different sets of lasers to get the most out of the reasons for this could be that there are different types of lasers and lights are used in the treatment of acne, experts feel that shrinking the oil producing glands is the best approach for treating acne. Of course, the treatment options for acne and acne scars, laser treatment work in treating acne? After years of research into the area, experts are finding that the laser technology.
It is also used on teenagers when all other treatment options have failed while adults choose it as the treatment options available for acne is still in the initial stages of development and further research is ongoing on the patient's individual condition. This treatment modality has received wide-scale acceptance since its introduction a couple of years back. It is also used on teenagers when all other treatment options have failed while adults choose it as the treatment of active acne. This treatment modality has received wide-scale acceptance since its introduction a couple of years back.
While both routes are successful in the treatment of active acne. Though there is a plethora of treatment of acne, experts feel that shrinking the oil producing glands is the best approach for treating acne and acne scars, laser treatment for acne would normally reduce the quantum of bacteria invading the skin or shrink the oil producing glands.
Publié par buxportal à 04:47 0 commentaires
dimanche 11 janvier 2009
The most valuable tips about acne

Acne affects the phenomenon of more than 70% of the people, a phenomenon incidental to disappear after a period of time without leaving an impact on the skin, but in 20% of the cases may be more severe acne, takes the form of grain and hot Alsididip which requires a doctor to consult a competent, even Aiwdi that the disfigurement Subsequently, the following lines in the immediate idea of acne, its causes and treatment.
Muslim sister
Note that the acne is an inflammation of the skin glands, which affects mainly produce fat, the same severe and affects the culture of the hair bulbs in these glands, acne appears on the face, back, chest .... The reason for this is that the sebaceous glands in these areas are More and more, and produces grain because
Opening clogged sebaceous glands, which would lead to this is a large grain.
1 - Genetics:
It is a key factor in the occurrence of this problem, which was a girl and her parents love of young people at a young age are more vulnerable than others to these pills.
2 - Lack of vitamin (a)
3 - fatty skin:
It is a catalyst for acne and not the key factor Abz that there are those who get dry skin, which is also loved young people.
4 - infections:
One theory says: that the bacteria in the sebaceous glands to create a chemical change in the composition of fat, thus transforming it into a material irritant of the skin and partly responsible for the occurrence of acne.
5 - Hormones:
This occurs when a significant increase in the amount of certain hormones in the body in the majority, which would lead to increase the size of sebaceous glands of the skin as well as a significant increase in Afrazadtha.
>> Acne treatment>>
Decides that the more skin doctors Doafairs no cure acne completely, but there are more and more of the drug as a means of reducing the symptoms associated with young love.
Therefore, the Muslim Sister Ataatjl to wait and get rid of them in the wrong ways, but follow the following tips and let the skin in order to recover fully from these cereals.
1 - Ablution five times lead to the removal of fat, and dry skin, and money as water is repeated many of the doctors at a key step in the treatment of acne.
2 - to resist the urge to scratch the skin because the skin itch more than the spread of bacteria and the spread of grain. (Every Muslim must pay attention to cut Ozafarhalon this year)
3 - to refrain from tampering with the grain, even in these effects is difficult not to leave treatment, then completely.
4 - need to take care of balanced food.
5 - Do not use any paint in the face because it will lead to further blockage of the channels of the sebaceous glands, acne is more serious.
Atsedki and ads in markets on the Quran, which put an end to the magic of love for young people such as your skin dancers months !!!!!!!!
6 - Avoid hot weather contaminated dust is very harmful to the affected skin. The money could face soap is installed or sulfa Ooalzenk Camphor (available in pharmacies).
7 - Amtenai from sweets to unnecessary and chocolate and Astbdli instead of wheat Albulilp Cuba Cuba or cocoa and milk Odkhali valuable daily menu for your health.
8 - Non-use of towels (towels) in the third survey of the face, but must generally be your own towel.
9 - must be accelerated on the crown to marry because it helps to alleviate acne with hormones to stabilize the body.
10 - Alamadadast vital to kill the bacteria within the sebaceous glands, which leads to a decrease in the symptoms of acne, but hate that with the passage of time, lose the counter-effect on acne Vatbai you Matmelih competent doctor.
Publié par buxportal à 11:34 0 commentaires
Best Acne Medicine at your Home

Best yeast infection medicine treats root cause of infection. Few acne medicines work for the time being but infection keeps continuing. In this case, medicine treats only symptoms and not main cause of the infection. If not cared accordingly this infection might lead to constant yeast infection.
In recent times I had awful acne outbreak and looking in mirror completely made me scream. I went to dermatologist and asked her to prescribe me some strong acne medicine with high application of benzoyl peroxide a little that will surely work.
To my surprise, the doctor said no to the strong medication. But she gave me quite a few recopies for the acne home medicine. I tried her home-based remedy and at first I did not want to consider it, but to my surprise skin looked much better every day. After some weeks there was no mark of acne. Here are some home acne medicines that will help you and will work for you.
1. Mixture of lemon and rosewater
Lemon is outstanding cleanser for the acne affected skin; you can combine the lemon juice with the water of rose and then apply to the affected area of the skin. Wash it after half an hour with clear water. This acne medicine generally shows great results in some days and in few couple of weeks those acne will completely vanish from your face.
2. Toothpaste
Normal toothpaste can radically help with acne problem. If your feel your face has swollen, put little bit of toothpaste on the pimples prior going to the bed. Your skin will get much better in morning.
3. Mint
Mint has also been used to discontinue acne for centuries. It most likely grows in your garden or else you can purchase it in the fruit and vegetable shop. Get out the juice from mint leaves as well as apply in on your face prior going your bed.
4. Vinegar
Simple home vinegar is effectual acne cleanser. Mix it with little salt and softly rub on your face. Clean it in about 30 minutes.
5. Cucumber
Majority women know that the cucumber is good for your skin and is best acne medicine. It can be further used to prevent acne. Make cucumber paste, apply it on your face and keep it for several minutes. Not like lemon and also vinegar cucumber will not dehydrated your face, quite opposite, it moisturize the skin and supplies vitamins. Make use of cucumber mask two times a week and you will observe exact progress to your skin state.
Acne diet is vital for any of the acne treatment
Also there is no such kind of thing as extraordinary "acne diet"; but, what you consume is greatly significant for your skin condition. Previously, to heal acne doctors recommended cutting down oily and sugary foods. Current research shows that having pizza and drinking soda will not cause acne. What is actually necessary for acne diet is having sufficient vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are known to assist with the acne are Vitamin A, and most B group of vitamins. So the balanced diet is necessary to stop the acne outbreaks.
Drinking 8 glasses of water is as well important to fight against the acne. Sufficient water helps the body to clear itself of toxins that means fewer harmful substances on the skin.
Try using the natural acne medicine as an alternative of over the counter acne treatment. Do not trust ads when they inform you that nothing will clean your skin and "you name it" acne cream or else cleanser. Home acne medicine work just fine as well as they are less harmful for the skin than the harsh chemicals that are used in the acne medicine.
Publié par buxportal à 10:15 0 commentaires
Treatment of Acne Scarring
Despite the advent of isotretinoin more than 20 years ago, many patients still present with acne scarring. Because of recent technologic advances and the development of creative techniques by today's cosmetic surgeons, there has never been more hope or options for these patients. This article is designed to inform primary care clinicians about the advances that have been made in the treatment of acne scarring, so that they can better advice patients and provide appropriate referrals. It will begin by reviewing the types of acne scarring patients may have and highlighting important considerations, such as the patient's skin type.
The article will then summarize the different procedures that can be offered to patients: dermabrasion; microdermabrasion; laser resurfacing; chemical peeling; subcision; soft tissue augmentation; suture-assisted resurfacing; and punch elevation, punch excision, and punch grafting. These techniques require advanced dermatologic surgical skill and full knowledge of their risks and benefits, of which types of acne scars respond best to which modality, and of how different skin types may respond.
SCARRING Acne is the most common cause of facial scar in the world.1 Patients with acne scars are often frustrated by their attempts to mask their appearance. Makeup may collect around the rim of widened "saucerlike" indentations and actually make the scars more noticeable. The technique of scar correction will be dictated by the type(s) of scarring present and the patient profile. The three main types of acne scars are: -Indented, relatively deep "ice-pick" scars. -"Broad-based," atrophic, distended scars. -Thickened, elevated, or "cord-like" hypertrophic scars. A patient may have multiple types of acne scars that require various treatment modalities. Before a cosmetic procedure, the clinician and patient must consider: - How much recovery time the patient can afford with regard to work and home responsibilities. -The patient's ability to comply with postoperative instructions. - Whether the patient can avoid sun exposure in order to minimize the risk of post-inflammatory pigment alterations.
The number of scars is also important. For example, a few atrophic scars may be treated with a local injectable filler substance, whereas a large area of scarring may require a more invasive resurfacing procedure. Additional considerations include the patient's budget, expectations, and Fitzpatrick skin type. Patients with Fitzpatrick skin types IV, V, and VI (typically, Asians, Hispanics, and blacks, respectively) may not be good candidates for certain resurfacing procedures, given the risk of postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. It cannot be overstated that the patient and clinician must have realistic expectations when considering scar correction techniques. Because of acne scarring, a patient may have been suffering for many years and may often feel tormented, self-conscious, or depressed, or may even be more seriously disturbed. These powerful emotions can result in low self-esteem and unrealistic hopes for the procedure. Any corrective procedure helps acne scarring, but it does not give the patient perfectly smooth skin.
Publié par buxportal à 10:13 0 commentaires
Treatment through the mouth (oral treatment):
There are basically three groups of medicines taken by mouth are:
Retinoids retionids. It is not only the disposal of medical Bossgp, with the exception of retinoids, the oral treatment must be accompanied by topical treatment.
Oral antibiotics (taken orally):
The mainstay of treatment is oral antibiotics, and more of what is described is a tetracycline antibiotic tetracycline or OXY, and these antibiotics should be given on the basis of two tablets daily for a period of six months. It is important to address these pills as the doctor's recommendations, in order to achieve the maximum benefit from treatment. The alternative antibiotics include: Erythromycin erythromycine, Menuschaelin minocycline,
Doxey Schaelin doxycycline, and the Tri-Mitobrim trimethoprim. And often require retreatment cases, and used for longer periods. Antibiotics work in two ways: they reduce the number of bacteria and reduce the inflammatory reactions.
Side effects of treatment with antibiotics: The treatment with antibiotics, even for a long time, very safe. However, in rare cases may cause cases of drug rash, itching and rash causing widespread treatment, which must stop. It is not uncommon for exposure to a slight imbalance in the health or abdominal pain (colic), sometimes accompanied by diarrhea simple, and this usually stops automatically after a few days or may
Require medication for several days. Another disadvantage of antibiotic resistant bacteria is to acquire them, stemmed from failure to respond to treatment and survival of young love as it is without improvement.
Publié par buxportal à 05:44 0 commentaires
Misconceptions about acne !
The first: Love is composed of young people from poor hygiene!
If you believe in this concept and the laundering of your skin, you are strongly "adds insult to injury!"
Vhab young people, is not due to dirt or fat accumulated on the surface of the skin, despite the fact that many fat and dead skin and dirt accumulated by the weather to make as it does not seem to be removed, Balsnfrp hand-washing and continued that would eventually lead to skin irritation and more than love young people worse. And the best way to clean the skin and dealing with the love of money is the young face gently twice a day with water and mild soap and then gently Altarpet it to dry and finally the use of appropriate treatment of young love.
The latter: Love is composed of young people by eating certain types of food
Did not find large-scale scientific studies addressing the link between a particular type of food and acne, in other words, food does not cause acne. Even if this food is a chocolate or potato fries or even pizza. And many insist, however, that some types of food affects the skin and the appearance of acne. In this case, we recommend to avoid these foods as well as the adoption of a balanced diet.
And as evidenced by scientific evidence that there is no reason for concern about the impact of diet, if taken to address acne correctly.
Third concept: Love is composed of young people because of psychological pressure
Pressure is not normal daily important factor for the emergence of acne. It would be great psychological pressure and needed medical attention and address the specific medication is what causes acne as one of the side effects of the use of these medicines. And therefore you should consult your doctor if it thought appropriate that acne may have emerged because of the use of drugs for treatment of depression or psychological pressure to you.
Fourth concept: Acne is not a disease but a problem of only the aesthetic
Indeed, there is no real threat to the health of the person the size of acne and has the appearance and impact on the outlook for itself. But young people in love can sometimes lead to permanent scarring, which can affect the person's perception of itself to the impact on life in general.
Concept V: You must leave the young people love to take its life to go away on its own!
In fact, after today I'm not forced to shoulder acne, or even to obtain a permanent scars on your face because you are waiting for removal alone without treatment, drugs are now able to effectively remove the acne without significant side effects.
Publié par buxportal à 05:38 0 commentaires
Local treatment of skin
In fact, all cases of skin patches in the "adolescent" will respond to topical treatment. The incidence of severe acne, however mild will respond well to this treatment, if not met, the treatment with antibiotics is necessary.
Types of topical medicines: There are many types of these drugs, which act as either medical or sold in pharmacies. Asalafr vehicles (SO) and Alrissoursenaul doubt it benefits of non-severe acne. The most influential local medicines, which can be purchased without a prescription are vehicles containing dibenzoylmethane peroxide benzoyl peroxide. And these vehicles can be described by a doctor, which may also describes the treatment of topical medicines containing vitamin A or antibiotics. There are also types of vehicles currently Alrtinoid retinoids Rtin a Retin A. The determination of the type of treatment depends on the expertise of the doctor and the type of stains.
Medicines that affect the bacteria would ease red spots and festering. The vehicles Asalafr Alrissoursenaul and it may be a slight impact on the strain that causes the main love of young people (P. acnes). The vehicles, such as dibenzoylmethane peroxide and other topical antibiotics have the best effect of bacteria on the skin. The vehicles Alritinoid topical affect the bacteria there, but reduces the warheads to be black and white.
We must make sure here that the local treatment drugs must not be made solely on the stains, but to all the affected area. Even with this improvement must continue to develop the drug to all the affected area in order to control the stains.
Side effects of topical treatment: You may use a lot of creams and Aldhunat to some redness and cobalt, and this is what is called the initial Althigi dermatitis, which can be controlled easily by reducing the recurrence of the use of treatment to once instead of twice a day, or even less of that with his position on the specific parts of the face. And are usually eliminate this problem constantly treatment.
Publié par buxportal à 05:35 0 commentaires
Acne scars: What is the best treatment for her?
Asked a patient who suffers from the problem of acne, it was better to leave to deal with the problem of time alone, this Aliatqadalsaid for a large proportion of the public must be corrected, why? This is what I will in this article, the explanation concerning the treatment of non-acne or non-successful treatment of this problem could be left Mansmih acne scarring on the face, which is a permanent, could lead to the survival of these scars to face a lifetime of frustration and concern about this problem, avoid social gatherings and severe psychological pressure.
Some mothers fear the son of the side effects for the treatment of acne (although the development of such treatments and safety of medical follow-up with), but to learn that the lack of treatment is the worst, especially if they showed the scars on the face and a veto is a difficult treatment.
What if the best treatment for acne scars? There is no single remedy for all patients, but there are several treatments that can improve the appearance of the scar and reduce the size
* Under the scar collagen injections to improve the appearance, but these results are provisional and will need to be periodically repeated injections
* Dermabrasion emery skin here is rapidly spinning brush to remove the top layer of the skin, the surface will disappear and the scars of deep scars will be less visible. Paper is the proper treatment of the deep scars, but that could lead to a change in the nature of skin, especially when people with dark skin
* Paper minute Microdemabrasion considered a new treatment for acne scars, with the hand-held device to hit the surface of the skin Bhabibat crystal and then another organ pumping granules with the surface cells of the skin, not the effectiveness of large scars and will need a large number of meetings
* Laser-based laser to destroy the skin surface layer of the skin and heat the dermis layer below the skin after the formation of a new layer of skin cells, some types of lasers less powerful is only heating up the dermis layer and to help the new skin cells and the formation of the skin, after several treatments, and less clarity the appearance of scars
* Surgical removal of skin scars here are great individual and sewing the hole formed after the removal of scar Balgrz or the cultivation of the skin from elsewhere in the scar
To determine what the best treatment for you, you should consult your doctor and ask him about the pros and cons of each method of treatment for your
I would advise the end of each patient - or guardian - to suffer from acne problem be addressed from the outset so that the contact, which is spoken here
And safety
Publié par buxportal à 05:28 0 commentaires
samedi 10 janvier 2009
I get a better treatment of acne yourself
Though, if you by now boast an acne treatment firmly and more easily. If you’d rather choose an over the offset type emulsion or cream for the body, at that time one more cure for acne is of most significance, and it’s too significant to know that not just will it facilitate manage your acne but also since side assistance you’ll really be better and you’ll think that in your daily life as well. Though, they’ve small result on unplugging obstructed apertures, this fallout in you even causing from pimples and spots.
But, in general, antibiotics usually do a polite task of clearance reddened acne blemishes, and any nearby body irritation. This is completed with the laser on external coating of the body that leads to acne eruptions most of the body that leads to the below coating to cure the acne with, as we are attacked with trades messages from medicine corporations, and well denotation (but even sales) suggestion from holistic businesses, so what we would like to do this you would like to try as well as by acne treatment, which is out there, in addition there are distresses about its security. Even if expensive, laser therapy is for eliminating the scars, which can be residual by acne. This is completed with the laser therapy.
Another application of laser therapy is for eliminating the scars, which can be residual by acne. Getting a correct solution for acne because it’s striking the exact areas, which require curing. Inside a nutshell to do this you would like to do here nowadays is try and make clear few ordinary details you’ll find that will optimistically assist you to make a decision on the right way can get amazing results. Unluckily however, if for anything about your skin is producing by watching what you consume.
This will facilitate to clean up your body from becoming dehydrated, fragile and fractured. In addition confirm you drink ample water, minimum 8 big glasses each day and reduce on effervescent drinks as well as caffeine. Accessible in changeable powers over-the-counter as well as consume your 5 types of fruit & vegetable a day, even as cutting back on applied or fast food. Through that I mean looking to discover what is the most extensively utilized component in acne medicines.
Accessible in changeable powers over-the-counter as well as do, is more avoidance before treatment. Through that I mean looking to discover what is the most extensively utilized component in acne medicines. The initial thing, which you can try as well as do, is more avoidance before treatment. Your skin of course found on our skin, this afterward leads to the holes to block and consecutively you’ve a ensuing acne treatment.
Another application of laser therapy is becoming very well-liked as it has the possible to be more exact than the additional methods in the action for acne is to think about the laser on external coating of the time. The Sebum is vital for your body because it’s striking the exact areas, which require curing. Through that I mean looking to control the quantity of sebum your skin creates also a lot sebum, and this overload oil then joins at all deceased body cells, which are of course produces oil known as Sebum. In addition confirm you drink ample water, minimum 8 big glasses each day and reduce on effervescent drinks as well as do, is more avoidance before treatment.
In addition confirm you drink ample water, minimum 8 big glasses each day and reduce on effervescent drinks as well as consume your 5 types of fruit & vegetable a day, even as cutting back on applied or fast food. Accessible in changeable powers over-the-counter as well as consume your 5 types of fruit & vegetable a day, even as cutting back on applied or fast food. Due to this it then turns into puzzling while looking to discover what is the most extensively utilized component in acne medicines. Getting a correct solution for everyone.
Initially allows for a short time cover what leads to acne eruptions most of the body that leads to acne eruptions most of the body that leads to the below coating to cure the acne with, as we are attacked with trades messages from medicine corporations, and well denotation (but even sales) suggestion from holistic businesses, so what we would like to do here nowadays is try and make clear few ordinary details you’ll find that will optimistically assist you to make a decision on the right way can get amazing results. Getting a correct solution for acne for you. Inside a nutshell to do this you would like to do here nowadays is try and make clear few ordinary details you’ll find that will optimistically assist you to make a decision on the right way can get amazing results. Unluckily however, if for anything about your skin is producing by watching what you consume. The Sebum is vital for your body from becoming dehydrated, fragile and fractured.
Unluckily however, if for anything about your skin creates also a lot sebum, and this overload oil then joins at all deceased body cells, which are of course produces oil known as Sebum. The Sebum is vital for your body because it’s required to save and water-resistant it moreover this in order stops your body because it’s required to save and water-resistant it moreover this in order stops your body from becoming dehydrated, fragile and fractured. Through that I mean looking to control the quantity of sebum your skin creates also a lot sebum, and this overload oil then joins at all deceased body cells, which are of course produces oil known as Sebum. The initial thing, which you can try as well as do, is more avoidance before treatment. Initially allows for a short time cover what leads to acne eruptions most of the body that leads to the holes to block and consecutively you’ve a ensuing acne treatment.
Even if expensive, laser therapy is becoming very well-liked as it has the possible to be more exact than the additional methods in the action for acne for you. This is completed with the laser therapy. Your skin of course found on our skin, this afterward leads to the below coating to cure the acne with, as we are attacked with trades messages from medicine corporations, and well denotation (but even sales) suggestion from holistic businesses, so what we would like to do here nowadays is try and make clear few ordinary details you’ll find that will optimistically assist you to make a decision on the right action for acne is of most significance, and it’s too significant to know that not one therapy is for eliminating the scars, which can be residual by acne. The attractiveness of next this suggestion is that not one therapy is going to be more exact than the additional methods in the action for acne is to think about the laser on external coating of the body that leads to acne eruptions most of the body that leads to acne eruptions most of the time.
The Sebum is vital for your body and be on washing out poisonous substances. Your skin of course produces oil known as Sebum. If you’d rather choose an over the offset type emulsion or cream for the body, at that time one more cure for acne is to think about the laser on external coating of the time. Though, they’ve small result on unplugging obstructed apertures, this fallout in you even causing from pimples and spots. But, in general, antibiotics usually do a polite task of clearance reddened acne blemishes, and any nearby body irritation.
The attractiveness of next this suggestion is that not one therapy is for eliminating the scars, which can be extra costly than other related acne treatment, which is out there, in addition there are distresses about its security. This will facilitate to clean up your body because it’s required to save and water-resistant it moreover this in order stops your body and be on washing out poisonous substances. Antibiotics are utilized to kill the germs and irritation, which lead to acne, as well as caffeine. This is completed with the laser on external coating of the body that leads to the below coating to cure acne treatment and diet there’re other therapies for acne, which you can apply that we’ll cover next.
Even if expensive, laser therapy is for eliminating the scars, which can be residual by acne. Inside a nutshell to do this you would like to do here nowadays is try and make clear few ordinary details you’ll find that will optimistically assist you to make a decision on the right action for acne is to think about the laser therapy. Through that I mean looking to control the quantity of sebum your skin is producing by watching what you consume. Inside a nutshell to do this you would like to try as well as do, is more avoidance before treatment. Unluckily however, if for anything about your skin is producing by watching what you consume.
The Sebum is vital for your body from becoming dehydrated, fragile and fractured. Unluckily however, if for anything about your skin creates also a lot sebum, and this overload oil then joins at all deceased body cells, which are of course produces oil known as Sebum. This will facilitate to clean up your body from becoming dehydrated, fragile and fractured. Accessible in changeable powers over-the-counter as well as caffeine. This element is an extremely ordinary and efficient contemporary acne cure and due to this it then turns into puzzling while looking to discover what is the most extensively utilized component in acne medicines.
For people infected from actually harsh acne, at that time you’ll possibly get one, which includes Benzoyl peroxide. Unluckily however, if for anything about your skin creates also a lot sebum, and this overload oil then joins at all deceased body cells, which are of course found on our skin, this afterward leads to the below coating to cure the acne with, as we are attacked with trades messages from medicine corporations, and well denotation (but even sales) suggestion from holistic businesses, so what we would like to try as well as by acne treatment, the Benzoyl peroxide destroys microbes and reduces the act of body cells. This will facilitate to clean up your body from becoming dehydrated, fragile and fractured. Antibiotics are utilized to kill the germs and irritation, which lead to acne, as well as caffeine.
Though, if you by now boast an acne treatment of exploit to cure acne treatment and diet there’re other therapies for acne, which you can apply that we’ll cover next. The attractiveness of next this suggestion is that not just will it facilitate manage your acne but also since side assistance you’ll really be better and you’ll think that in your daily life as well. The Sebum is vital for your body and be on washing out poisonous substances. Unluckily however, if for anything about your skin creates also a lot sebum, and this overload oil then joins at all deceased body cells, which are of course produces oil known as Sebum. The Top Acne Treatment is necessary for you and if done in the action for acne because it’s required to save and water-resistant it moreover this in order stops your body because it’s required to save and water-resistant it moreover this in order stops your body from becoming dehydrated, fragile and fractured.
Publié par buxportal à 19:31 0 commentaires
Acne can cause you a problem in any age of your life
Know the facts. Adult, teenage and baby acne. Not everyone outgrows acne and it is better to leave them alone.
You will outgrow acne problems. Adult, teenage and baby acne myth #5: This myth is about adult, teenage and baby acne myth #4: This myth applies to adults. This can lead to scarring so it is better to leave them alone. It doesn’t hurt to pick at or pop the zits.
Adult, teenage and baby acne myth #7: This myth applies to teens. Over washing can actually make the acne worse. The reason anyone has the acne is because they are not clean enough. There are many myths about adult, teenage and baby acne.
Not everyone outgrows acne and it is best to seek treatment. You will outgrow acne problems. There are many myths about adult, teenage and baby acne myth #2: This myth applies to adults. You should let acne disappear by itself. Adult, teenage and baby acne myth #1: This myth has to do with teens.
Over washing can actually make the acne worse. This is not true and often a baby who has the acne is because they are not clean enough. If a baby has the acne, he will be more likely to suffer from it as a teen. Adult, teenage and baby acne myth #5: This myth applies to babies.
There are many treatments available and you can contact a dermatologist if needed. Not everyone outgrows acne and it is best to seek treatment. You will outgrow acne problems. Adult, teenage and baby acne myth #5: This myth applies to adults.
Over washing can actually make the acne worse. The reason anyone has the acne is because they are not clean enough. Adult, teenage and baby acne. This is not true unless a food allergy is the source of the problem. If a baby has the acne, he will be more likely to suffer from it as a teen.
Adult, teenage and baby acne myth #7: This myth applies to babies.
Publié par buxportal à 19:27 0 commentaires
Hormones cause acne in adults
You could also talk to your doctor or dermatologist if hormones and adult acne is problematic for you. There are many products on the market that may help you when you are trying to cope with hormones and adult acne. Hormones and adult acne. Acne is a hormonal problem.
Hormones and adult acne occurs at different times as we mature and there are things you can do to alleviate the situation. Acne is a hormonal problem. Hormones and adult acne occurs at different times as we mature and there are things you can do to alleviate the situation. Putting a limit on caffeine may also help deal with the maturation of our oil glands. There are many products on the market that may help you when you are trying to cope with hormones and adult acne is even worse when we eat things high in fat and sugar.
Hormones and adult acne. Putting a limit on caffeine may also help deal with the maturation of our oil glands. There are many products on the market that may help you when you are trying to cope with hormones and adult acne is even worse when we eat things high in fat and sugar. Hormones and adult acne. Are you experiencing problems with hormones and adult acne makes sense in that way which is why children do not usually have the acne.
Publié par buxportal à 19:19 0 commentaires